Cara Membuat Chat Room di Blog
Cara Membuat Chat Room di Blog
tanpa basa-basi & panjang lebar silahkan di coba :)
key copas script dibawah ini :
<div style="width:250px">
.mcrmeebo {
display: block; background:url("")
no-repeat top right;
.mcrmeebo:hover {
no-repeat top right;
<object width="250" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width=300" height="350" />
<a target="_blank" href="" class="mcrmeebo">
<img alt="Create a Meebo Chat Room" src="" width="250" height="45" style="border:0px"/>
udah paste aj ke widget = html/javascript beres deh
klo mau setting ukuranx cari code nie <object width="250" height="350"> atur sesuai kolom blog anda.
Thanks udah mampir ke blogku brother! jangan lupa like yah :)
kayak nya udah ndak jalan lagi boss :)
BalasHapusmau ane coba kawan tutornya
mantap dah artikelnya.. mau ane coba kawan
the discussion was very interesting to read, awaited the article more interesting yes .. Do not forget to visit the article about the health of the following: